Finally, an evidence based, researched powder that doesn’t come with an injection, filler, chemicals, pain or downtime. Nope, this is NOT Fake news. I discovered collagen powders 8 years ago when I was consulting patients with improving on their gut health for inflammation and weight loss. Of course it worked, but what we what got was so much more. Within 4 to 8 weeks our clients were saying their skin felt firmer, smoother and had fewer wrinkles. Because I am a nutritional nerdy researcher, I started looking at the studies, and BOOM … discovered that bioactive collagen peptides help increase skin firmness, moisture and slow the formation of wrinkles. Well hello … you had me at firmness!

Let me share with you why Beauty Bod Collagen (marine or bovine) will not only make you look good but also feel good.

1. Wrinkle Hacker

Natural, top quality collagen powder has the CORRECT dosing (so you’re not wasting your money or product) stimulates your own natural collagen and extracellular matrix, replacing or healing what is lost through ageing, sun exposure, and hormone changes.

2. Cellulite Reduction

We have seen this in our clinical practice and more research is being done on the mechanism of action as to why and how this works. Cellulite is mainly caused by dermal matrix disturbances, in combination with excess of subcutaneous fat, bulging into the dermis as well as excess of interstitial fluid. Beneficial effects on the dermal extracellular matrix of the skin and can help to decrease cellulite. Contrary to current cellulite supplements that mainly address the aspects of excessive fat or microcirculation/drainage, Beauty Bod Collagen directly stimulates the extracellular matrix formation in skin (so why haven’t I known about this my whole life ;-)

3. Hair and Nail Growth

The bioactive collagen peptides in Beauty Bod Collagen can help to improve growth and health of fingernails. A recent study has shown a decrease of cracked and/or chipped nails after 2 months of treatment and a statistically significant improvement in nail growth after 3 months of treatment. At the same time, there is a notable improvement in nail peeling and a clearly decreased nail edge irregularity. Stress, poor gut health, genetics, shellac, GHD’s and heck, life in general, can be unkind to our hair and nails.

4. Gut Healing

Like bone broths for healing the gut, Beauty Bod Collagen will have the same result on your gut health. What does that mean to you?  When your gut is working well you are absorbing all the good nutrients in the foods you consume.  And btw, where do you think most of our serotonin, our happy hormone is made? That’s correct - in our gut.

Beauty Bod Collagen powders are nutritionally approved and researched by me because they tick these important boxes:

 ✔️ Natural - no weird preservatives, flavours or additives in the ingredients

✔️ Hydrolysed - easy to absorb

✔️ Dissolves – easily in any hot/cold drink (smoothies, soup, water, tea etc)

✔️ Dosage researched – effective results with no wastage of product or money

✔️ No known continuations - generally safe with no reported adverse events (1) 


For more information on Beauty Bod Collagen, Click here.

Author: Michele Chevalley Hedge, Qualified Nutritionist, research lover, and wellbeing author - A Healthy View.

1. J Drugs Dermatol. 2019 Jan 1;18(1):9-16.Oral Collagen Supplementation: A Systematic Review of Dermatological Applications

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